Testing the tasty.co Chocolate Chip Cookies

I could honestly DIVE into these pools of chocolate, you guys. This recipe calls for chocolate chips and 5 oz chopped dark chocolate sooo...

This crinkly, melty, salt-sprinkled goodness comes from Tasty (you know, the videos all your friends love to share on Facebook). 

To be honest I wasn't that interested in trying this recipe until I learned that the team tested dozens of variations recipes with different flours, sugars, fats, and chocolate to come up with what they claim to be the best chocolate chip cookie you'll ever eat.

So, here's the lowdown. The recipe uses dark brown sugar, browned butter, and bread flour (a trick I've never tried), so if you're anything like me it requires an extra trip to the grocery store. It also calls for a teaspoon of espresso powder, which I replaced with cocoa powder. The recipe claims that the dough doesn't need chilling, but I found that it did. The melted butter (no matter how well you cream it) makes the dough really soft and a bit greasy. Let it chill, friends! 

Overall, I'd say that these cookies are worth a try! They really are tasty (hehe), but require those extra steps and definitely need to chill overnight. 

Find the recipe here and try it for yourself!


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