The Best Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

These cookies from the Ambitious Kitchen blog claim to be the absolute best chocolate chip cookies ever, so you know I couldn't wait to put them to the test!

Browned butter, dark brown sugar, and a sprinkle of flaky sea salt give these cookies a super nutty, caramelized flavor, and an extra egg yolk adds a bit of richness. Sounds incredible right? Right.

But here's the crazy thing--the recipe calls for a tablespoon of Greek yogurt.

Don't get me wrong, I love Greek yogurt wayyy more than the next guy. With berries? Yep. In muffins? You betcha. But in salty, chewy, gooey chocolate chip cookies? I was very skeptical.

I tend to roll my eyes at recipes calling for random, unnecessary ingredients. But alas, I did the thing. I plopped a scoop of yogurt into my beautiful browned butter mixture and prayed that the toasty goodness wouldn't be ruined forever.

According to the recipe, the yogurt works with the baking soda to give the cookies that crackly, golden brown exterior. I don't know bout that (food science fam, help us out), but I'm going to assume it worked some magic because the cookies indeed turned out bomb.

The real show-stoppers in this recipe are the browned butter (life changing, you guys), and the flaky sea salt. I like to sprinkle a little salt on the scooped dough before chilling so it really sticks down and enhances the crackly, flaky top of the cookie. This is the salt I use and love.

All in all, I'd say this recipe rightfully earned its five star reviews on Pinterest, and is definitely worth a try if you're looking for something with an extra punch! I'm already planning to make them again with my favorite chili dark chocolate bar thrown into the mix.

Have you used brown butter in cookies before, and if so, was it worth the extra effort? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

You can find the recipe here:


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